The term Golpo (গোলপো) translates to the story in Bengali and refers to two or more individuals exchanging stories. The usage of the Bengali word “golpo” in place of the English word “story” was in honor of the large community of Bengali speakers in Hudson.

Golpo circles (story circles) offer a safe space for survivors of abuse and violence in the South Asian diaspora. Using restorative circle methods participants create a safe space together. Circles help participants to strengthen healthy coping mechanisms and take lead on their personal healing journeys. Thus far we have held 1 virtual, and 1 in-person community circle series. As we grow our organization these circles serve as a prototype for our organization’s restorative culture practices, and communal healing methods.

Virtual Golpo Circles

An online survivor-led monthly support group that offers a safe space for survivors in the South Asian diaspora who have suffered from a history of abuse and violence in the past or present. In addition, to support, survivors will strengthen and focus on coping skills, and healing on their own terms. Our online Golpo circles were created to work around COVID-19 restrictions and barriers that many survivors have in accessing healing circles. Online circles allowed for anonymity, and security of participants.

Garden Golpo Circles

The Garden Golpo Circles took place at the River City Garden with the local Bangladeshi immigrant diasporans. Using restorative circle methods, and community circle facilitation we created a space in which participants told stories about their lives and experiences. We cultivated a safe space where the participants felt comfortable, safe, and heard. With each gathering we moved towards a process of collective healing.

Golpo Circles